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Below are links for various stat, math, epi, pubmed, vetmed software, journal and course information.   



Additional Links of Interest

BioMed Central contains many recent 'Biology and Medicine' articles, UK based.

Epidemiolog.Net includes 'Understanding the Fundamentals of Epidemiology' - an evolving text.

Statistical Software – Jam-packed listing of various statistical software.

MedBioWorld 35,000 links to journals, associations and databases.

NIST - Digital Library of Mathematical Functions

StatPrimer - An online instructional manual for a brief introduction to statistics.

EpiInfo - Data Analysis.

ScienceOpen - Open access to many science articles. 


Online Journals

International Journal of Medical Sciences

International Journal of Statistics and Applications - Scientific & Academic Publishing

International Journal of Statistics and Probability   

Journal of Biometrics and Biostatistics 

Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences - A Publication of the Canadian Society for Pharmaceutical Sciences.

Journal of Statistics and Data Science Education - Taylor & Francis Online 

Journal of Statistical Software

British Medical Journal

Ecology and Society

Free Medical Journals

Directory of Open Access Journals – 2500+ journals in the directory


Online Proceedings

Online Proceedings Library Archive – presented by Cambridge Core.


Courses Offered Online

Coursera from courses to degrees offered 100% online (many free courses offered from many Universities worldwide.

Open Yale Courses – Free online courses offered at Yale University.

Open Education Global –

Supporting the development and use of open education around the world.

Webcast - UC Berkeley – Free Online courses from the University of Berkeley.

MIT Courses  – Audio/Video course offered online for free from MIT. 


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